What if you never had to stress about picking paint colors again?
The Paint Color Formula will take away the overwhelm. You’ll see my secret for picking complementary paint colors to create a magazine-worthy room.
Right now, you’re struggling with picking paint colors for your home.
You’re afraid to waste time and money by picking a paint color that you aren’t thrilled with.
Imagine if you had a step by step formula to visualize, sample, and ultimately select the perfect paint color for your home. This is not a one-size-fits-all paint color pallette.
This is a system to discover the perfect colors for your unique space.
This can happen for you quickly by following the Paint Color Formula.
Video + Written guides
The Paint Color Formula includes a 12 page written guide as well as video lessons to walk you through each step of the Formula. In the end, you will have confidently chosen paint colors for your home!
The Paint Color Formula
Paint Color video course + PDF guidebook.
The Paint Color Formula includes a video course, printable guide (PDF + kindle versions), and audio files!
Plus, get the bonus printables:
- Paint Color Formula checklist
- Paint color tracker by room
- Paint sheen decision guide
- Done-for-you paint color bank